TIDWIT’s Ecosystem Events & Webinars app provides a quick & easy way for authorized users to create and promote events & webinars on their ecosystem, managing their entire lifecycle.

Benefits at a glance

Organizing and promoting online events and webinars efficiently can be a challenging task for businesses and professionals, particularly for organizations with complex ecosystems. Coordinating diverse aspects like scheduling, registrations, and communication is often time-consuming and cumbersome. Additionally, seamlessly integrating these online events with popular third-party webinar platforms is difficult and often doesn’t ensure a consistent user experience. Finding a solution that streamlines these complexities is crucial for maximizing the impact of events and webinars within an ecosystem.

TIDWIT’s Ecosystem Events & Webinars app tackles these challenges head-on by providing authorized users with a user-friendly interface to effortlessly create, promote, and manage events for an entire ecosystem. With features such as defined start and end dates, diverse delivery options, and one-click user registration, TIDWIT simplifies the online event lifecycle for the entire ecosystem. Additionally, seamless integration with third-party platforms like Zoom, Teams, YouTube, or Streamyard ensures a smooth user experience. Comprehensive ecosystem event reports enable real-time tracking of crucial metrics, while fostering a data-driven approach to event management across the entire ecosystem. This allows partner event attendance and engagement comparisons.

By leveraging TIDWIT’s Ecosystem Events & Webinars app, organizations unlock a host of benefits. The streamlined event creation and promotion process saves valuable time and resources, circumventing the replication of event processes across multiple partners. Rather, it would allow for a more strategic, focused, and automated approach to online event planning across multiple segments and partners. Furthermore, the ability to syndicate events to partner and customer nodes expands the reach, fostering collaborative promotion and establishing a broader event footprint and success in the digital landscape. One-click user registration from any partner node enhances accessibility, and the integration with popular calendar apps like Outlook ensures increased user attendance and engagement. Real-time tracking capabilities empower users to gauge the success of their ecosystem events instantly.